Viet Anh Dang, Edward Lee, Yangke Liu, Cheng Zeng
This paper examines the influence of bank branch deregulation on corporate borrowers' stock price crash risk. Using a large sample of U.S. public firms over the period 1962-2001, we provide robust evidence that intrastate branch reform contributes to the reduction of firms' stock price crash risk. Further analysis shows that the negative relation between bank branch deregulation and crash risk is more pronounced among firms that are more dependent on external finance and lending relationships, as well as firms that have weaker corporate governance and greater financial constraints. Our findings are consistent with the notion that bank branch reform improves bank monitoring efficiency, thereby reducing borrowing firms' bad news formation and hoarding, and hence their stock price crash risk. Overall, our empirical evidence suggests that, as a reform aimed at removing restrictions on bank branch expansion, bank deregulation also helps protect shareholders' wealth.
Yassine Bakkar, Annick Pamen Nyola
Using a novel cross-European dataset on bank internationalization, the paper accounts for organizational and geographic complexity and evaluates its impact on systemic risk and how both the 2008-09 global financial crisis and the 2010-11 European sovereign debt crisis might have modified such an impact. Ahead of the crisis (2005-07), results suggest that bank complexity materially reduces systemic risk and enhances stability, as it encourages banks to take on more diversified risks. While such a relation is inverted during the crisis (2008-11) and after the crisis (2012-13), consistent with the view that, during distress times, international banks have less ability to monitor cross-border risks. Further evidence show that, regardless of the period, the effect of complexity on systemic risk is accentuated for 'too-big-too-fail' banks and banks with strong activity diversity. Conversely, complex banks with merger-acquisition history and banks operating networks of foreign branches mitigate systemic risk during the acute crisis and the later stage of the crisis, respectively. The results are robust to the use of alternative measures of systemic risk and complexity, and numerous additional tests. Findings bear critical policy implications for financial regulations.