Background and Context
Study Focus
This study investigates how individual directors influenced Dutch corporate strategies and firm performance throughout the 20th century by examining "big linkers" - directors with multiple board positions.
Data Coverage
The analysis covers 6,637 firm-year observations with 48,524 board seats between 1908-2003, identifying 102 big linkers who held at least 3 concurrent board positions and 10+ positions over their career.
The research uses a mixed-method approach combining statistical analysis of director fixed effects with detailed historical investigation of exceptional big linkers' backgrounds and characteristics.
Decline in Number of Big Linkers Over Time
- Shows how the number of big linkers changed across the 20th century
- Reveals peak in 1928 followed by temporary decline in 1930s
- Demonstrates consolidation in 1950s-1960s before declining from 1970s onwards
Characteristics of Top 10 Big Linkers
- Shows key attributes of the most influential board members
- Highlights variation in education levels and elite family background
- Demonstrates importance of bank connections and management experience
Average Board Positions Held by Period
- Illustrates how many board positions big linkers typically held across different time periods
- Shows concentration of power in early periods
- Demonstrates gradual decline in multiple directorships over time
Impact on Firm Performance Metrics
- Shows how presence of big linkers correlates with different performance measures
- Demonstrates varying effects on ROE, leverage, and market value
- Highlights importance of individual director characteristics rather than just being a big linker
Contribution and Implications
- The study demonstrates that being a big linker alone does not guarantee influence - individual characteristics matter more than number of positions
- Exceptional big linkers typically combined high social capital with substantial management experience or industry expertise
- The research provides a new mixed-method approach for identifying and studying influential corporate directors
Data Sources
- Big linkers trend chart based on Figure 1 showing number of big linkers 1908-2003
- Characteristics visualization derived from Table 2 descriptive statistics
- Board positions data from Table 3 firm descriptive statistics per period
- Performance metrics from Table 5 Panel A showing big linker effects