Background and Context
Market Significance
China's soybean meal futures market is the largest in the world and represents the country's largest agricultural futures market by trading volume.
Market Structure
Trading operates through an electronic market where demand and supply are represented by limit orders in the order book, with trades occurring when buy/sell orders match.
Research Approach
The study analyzes intraday order flow data from 2008-2013 using three key measures: order flow imbalance (OFI), trade imbalance (TI), and trading volume.
Strong Impact of Order Flow Imbalance on Price Changes
- OFI shows the strongest relationship with price changes, with 97.87% significant coefficients
- Trade imbalance and volume also show significant relationships but with lower percentages
- Demonstrates OFI as the most comprehensive measure of order flow
Market Depth's Influence on Price Impact
- Market depth has a significant inverse relationship with price impact
- The relationship strengthens over longer time horizons
- Shows prices are more resilient to incoming orders than indicated by market depth alone
Predictive Power of Order Flow Measures
- OFI has significant predictive power for up to 90 seconds into the future
- Positive impact in first 20 seconds, followed by direction adjustment
- Shows temporary nature of order flow's price impact
Intraday Trading Pattern of Order Flow Measures
- Trading activity shows a U-shaped pattern throughout the trading day
- Higher activity at market open and close
- Demonstrates consistent patterns in order flow and price changes
Market Participant Impact on Trading
- Market dominated by individual investors (97%)
- Institutional investors represent only 3% of participants
- Indicates high speculative trading activity
Contribution and Implications
- First comprehensive study of order flow price impact in Chinese agricultural futures markets
- Demonstrates OFI as superior measure for analyzing price formation and market efficiency
- Provides practical insights for investors and regulators in emerging markets
Data Sources
- Impact Chart: Based on Table 3 showing regression results of price changes and order flow measures
- Depth Chart: Constructed from Table 4 showing relation between price impact and market depth
- Predictive Chart: Derived from Table 8 showing the lifespan of order flow price impact
- Intraday Chart: Based on Figure 1 showing average 15-minute price changes and order flow patterns
- Participant Chart: Data from Shanghai Futures Exchange development report cited in the paper