Background and Context
Current Economic Challenge
Rising energy and food prices are causing living standards to fall across Europe, with Dutch government predicting one in three people at risk of financial problems in 2023.
Research Focus
Study examines how households experience and cope with financial strain over time using De Nederlandsche Bank Household Survey panel data.
Analysis uses dynamic random coefficients probit model to examine household financial strain dynamics, including duration and occurrence patterns.
No Evidence of Households Becoming Habituated to Financial Strain
- Distribution shows no evidence of households becoming used to financial strain over time
- About one-third of households have just entered financial strain
- Only 12% experience prolonged strain lasting 10+ years
Effectiveness of Different Coping Strategies
- Increasing earnings and borrowing from family/friends are effective coping strategies
- Having someone working from home does not help reduce financial strain
- Results highlight importance of flexible work arrangements and social networks
Health-Financial Strain Cycle
- Poor health increases likelihood of financial strain
- Financial strain worsens health outcomes
- Evidence of mutually-reinforcing negative cycle between health and financial difficulties
Impact of Duration on Financial Strain
- Longer periods free of financial strain reduce likelihood of future strain
- Effect increases from 5.6 to 9.1 percentage points
- Demonstrates importance of maintaining financial stability
No Impact of Income and Wealth Shocks
- Neither income nor wealth shocks significantly affect financial strain
- Suggests current income/wealth levels matter more than unexpected changes
- Contrasts with previous research on shock effects
Contribution and Implications
- Demonstrates that household financial strain reflects actual circumstances rather than psychological adaptation
- Highlights importance of flexible work arrangements and social networks in preventing financial difficulties
- Identifies health-financial strain cycle as key mechanism for persistent financial difficulties
- Questions role of income/wealth shocks in causing financial strain
Data Sources
- Duration chart based on Fig. 1 showing spell durations 2010-18
- Coping strategies chart based on DRCP model estimates in Table 2
- Health-strain cycle chart based on Tables 2 and 3
- Duration impact chart based on ATE calculations from model results
- Shocks chart based on coefficient estimates in Table 4